Values and Principles
Our values are part and parcel
of the culture of the company
They form the basis of our understanding of ourselves, of what we think and do day by day.
Our internal cooperation and how we behave towards customers and external partners are governed by these values.
We live out our values actively. We are SKS.

SKS stands for respect and esteem towards all employees, business partners and customers. Our cooperation is based on a culture of open communication. It goes without saying that people should be able to rely on our integrity, honesty and trustworthiness.
We have trust in our employees. A high degree of trust in every single person taking responsibility for their own work is one of our key principles.

Our corporate culture is distinguished by collegiality among and between all employees. This cooperation is characterised by a spirit of partnership. We see ourselves as partners both to our customers and other interested groups and to each other.
SKS is carried by the loyalty of its staff. A spirit of partnership in how we behave towards each other is the basis for trusting cooperation with each other and with our partners and customers.

Motivation is innovation through passion. We have the courage to change and work together in order to be always one step ahead. It is our drive and ambition to drive forward a continuous optimisation process, based on what already exists, in everything that we do. This is the foundation for the development of innovative, forward-looking solutions that benefit our partners and customers.
Sense of responsibility
We live out a sense of responsibility in all areas of the company. We believe this is an essential prerequisite of an effective and professional approach. For us, a sense of responsibility means a safe and healthy workplace, compliance with the highest standards and clear lines in our work procedures.